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All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. TV channels and video content are provided to you without any liability from us regarding copyright rights.

At website we do not host, provide, archive, distribute store or stream media on our servers. We do not own the content, we do not manage, run, maintain or control any access to the servers or entities indexing or telecasting media of any kind. As an aggregator, collects video content from different sources across the web and puts them in one place for our visitors and members. All these sources are available online and any copyright issue must be taken up directly with the server owners hosting this content. We do not take any liability as to what is aired or broadcasted and we have no access or control on the servers, streams and channels.

We are not affiliated, partnered or associated in any way with any business providing video or streaming content. For any inquiries about legal aspects please email as at [email protected]